kitchen knives Berlinger haus BH 2595
Berlinger Haus BH 2700 I Rose Kitchen Knife Set
Knife Set & Bamboo Cutting Board BH/2554 I-Rose Collection
This 6-Piece Knife Set with Bamboo Cutting Board is from our I-Rose Collection.
Stainless steel with a non-stick coating
It includes:
Bread knife 20 cm
Chef knife 20 cm
Slicer knife 20 cm
Utility knife 12,5 cm
Paring knife 9 cm
Bamboo cutting board
Colour: Metallic Pink
You must be over 18 to purchase this product. We have an effective and monitored age verification process provided by VerifyMyAge. We will not sell to persons that do not meet the age restrictions for this product and by continuing with this purchase you hereby consent to the processing of your personal data for age verification purposes.
Knife & Utensils Set Berlinger Haus BH6252 I-Rose Collection
Материал: неръждаема стомана с титаново незалепващо покритие
. Цвят: розов металик
Комплектът включва:
Нож за готвач 20 см Нож за
хляб 20 см
Нож за рязане 20 см
Нож за помощ 12,5 см
Нож за изпичане 9 см
5 кухненски прибори:
Копче за супа
Лъжица за готвене Копче за
Обработка с нарези
Дъска за рязане
Трябва да сте навършили 18 години, за да закупите този продукт. Имаме ефективен и наблюдаван процес за проверка на възрастта, предоставен от VerifyMyAge. Ние няма да продаваме на лица, които не отговарят на възрастовите ограничения за този продукт и като продължите с тази покупка, вие се съгласявате с обработването на личните ви данни за целите на проверка на възрастта.
6-Piece Knife Set with Stand Berlinger Haus BH/2447 I-Rose Collection
Material: Stainless steel
Colour: I-Rose (metallic pink)
The set includes:
Chef knife 20 cm
Slicer knife 20 cm
Bread knife 20 cm
Utility knife 12,5 cm
Paring knife 9 cm
Stainless steel stand
You must be over 18 to purchase this product. We have an effective and monitored age verification process provided by VerifyMyAge. We will not sell to persons that do not meet the age restrictions for this product and by continuing with this purchase you hereby consent to the processing of your personal data for age verification purposes.
6-Piece Knife Set Berlinger Haus BH/2516 I-Rose Collection
Stainless steel with titan non-stick coating
The set includes:
Chef knife 20 cm
Bread knife 20 cm
Slicer knife 20 cm
Utility knife 12,5 cm
Paring knife 9 cm
Magnetic Stand
Colour: Metallic Pink
You must be over 18 to purchase this product. We have an effective and monitored age verification process provided by VerifyMyAge. We will not sell to persons that do not meet the age restrictions for this product and by continuing with this purchase you hereby consent to the processing of your personal data for age verification purposes.
Knives I Rose